Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Spellchecking your WIP: instructions, and a question

I've realized that spell checking can be tricky to do for a tester on the other side. It can also trip them up if there are bad typos. So someone I was testing for, for IFComp, asked how I was able to do it for them, for a twine game. This may seem late in the game for such a post, but I think it will give high value for the time it takes. So, have away!
I have Windows, so I run Notepad++. Which is a really awesome app if you don't have it. Worth the install time and not just for this spell check.


Right click to get the source of a twine game, then ctrl-a, copy and paste. Then paste to a document in Notepad++.
Do ctrl-f to find, then click the "regular expression" radio button.
For what to find, type <[^>]*>
This translates to <(bunch of HTML tag stuff)> but nothing outside the tags.
For what to replace, type \n
Replace all

Then I ran the native spell checker in notepad++. ctrl-shift-alt-s.

You may have to also define c:\program files (x86)\aspell\en.prepl as not read-only in windows explorer.

INFORM 7: was a BIG help for me.

Ctrl+F --> go to the Mark tab --> toggle Bookmark line --> Click Mark All. (you want to search for say ")
Select menu Search --> Bookmark --> Copy Bookmarked Lines.

Then you can replace say " with nothing, and \[[^\]]\] with \n, and then spell check as before.

If anyone knows a good text editor this works for with Mac, that'd be a big help.

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